Queue Safely, Queue Online
Queue Now!Tired of Being Stuck in these Situations?
Long Queue Lines
Admit it, we hate long queues! We tend to abandon queue if it's not moving fast enough.

Wasting a LOT of TIME
Did you know that an average person spends approximately 1 and a half yeats of waking time just lining up on different services? Now that's a lot of precious moments wasted.
Risk of Getting INFECTED
Spread of infection also increases in crowded places. So better be safe than sorry.

What is Quetap?
About the app

Quetap is an innovative application that allows you to queue and keep track of your serving status online eliminating the hassle of physically lining which saves you a lot of quality time, effort, and money.

One Stop App for Queues
It caters to multiple industries and services. Whenever you have to queue we can help you.

Queue for a later Date
Manage your time properly by planning schedules ahead. Now you can be more productive with just a touch of a button.

Queue Cancellation
Got something urgent and important that needs to ne attended? No worries we've got you covered as long as it is really that important.

Monitor Queue Online
No more wasting time lining up when you can keep track of your queuing status online.

Keep a Record of your Queues
Never miss a scheduled booking by looking at your queue historry.

Queue Scanning by Location
Know which establishment to queue from that is near you. Nothing is more convenient than getting a bigger picture of where you will be heading.